Welcome to the official website of Jeremy and Jennifer!

Jeremy and Jennifer have travelled many miles over the years. They actually started travelling throughout their younger years with family. As a couple, they have been together over 20 years. In this time, they have spawned a couple of sprouts during this time. Travelling with sprouts can be quite adventurous but also can be highly stressful for the faint of heart. This site was built as a reminder to where they have been and where they would like to go in the future.

On this site

On this site, Jeremy and Jenny have added some pictures and brief information about some of the trips they have been on. The pre-jnj section has places in which they have been individually, before becoming a couple. Pre-sprouts is a section which contains information about trips they have taken after becoming a couple. Finally, the post-sprouts section is trips taken with their children. They hope you enjoy and will be inspired to travel as well. They would like to thank you for stopping by their website.